Programmer at Large Hot Picks: Catarina de Peters Leitão

July 26, 2023
Writing on the Margins
The art of challenging readers often comes through stories written from the outside looking in and unexpected places – I’m excited to be curating this panel discussion examining the retelling of history, colonisation and guiding readers through different worlds with Khadro Mohamed, Kevin Jared Hosein and Ross Calman. Book here.
Summoning Whakapapa
A special event with a powerhouse Ngāi Tahu wāhine lineup I couldn’t be more excited about – I’ve always dreamt of a lit festival session able to energise us as readers/writers on the power of storytelling through whakapapa, our origins and the considerations going into. Book here.
Workshop: Ruby Solly – Worldbuilding From Whakapapa
Whakapapa is unique to us all and can be a trickster to conjure up in writing – join Ruby for writing exercises and korero on creating our own mythologies. Book here.
Catarina’s Hot Picks
Ever since I heard about Lost and Found in Translation I’ve been interested to find out more on translating original texts into another entirely different language. This session’s really appealing to my nerd tendencies!
Unruly Memories feels like a uniquely WORD offer! When I visit Christchurch I find myself magnetically driven to the bricks, mortar and stone of the The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora, add these poets to the mix and the Wellington girl in me is SO there.
After reading The Savage Coloniser Book, if there’s one thing I don’t want to miss is the chance to attend Tusiata Speaks, with John Campbell. This one’s for the aunties (TUSIATA FOREVER)!
Catarina de Peters Leitão
Catarina de Peters Leitão (nō Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) is a project coordinator, freelancer and writer born in Lisbon, Portugal and based in Pōneke. She has many past lives; as a professional pastry chef, a camera and lighting assistant, frustrated telemarketer and cook in the kitchens of East Coast marae and Opotiki RSA, among a myriad of others. Catarina is a graduate of the IIML Creative Writing MA (2019), where she finished her first collection Tuawahine as part of her MA thesis. Her nonfiction work has been published in Mimicry, Turbine Kapohau, RNZ and Sport 47, among other online/printed publications. Catarina’s focus as a programmer is to share the exciting indigenous voices that are emerging across the motu with WORD Christchurch audiences, stories guided by mātauranga Māori and emigrant-led discussions. She is fond of cocktails at Night Flower, writing, reimagining the future, cooking and cinema.
Catarina de Peters Leitão (nō Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) is a project coordinator, freelancer and writer born in Lisbon, Portugal and based in Pōneke. She has many past lives; as a professional pastry chef, a camera and lighting assistant, frustrated telemarketer and cook in the kitchens of East Coast marae and Opotiki RSA, among a myriad of others. Catarina is a graduate of the IIML Creative Writing MA (2019), where she finished her first collection Tuawahine as part of her MA thesis. Her nonfiction work has been published in Mimicry, Turbine Kapohau, RNZ and Sport 47, among other online/printed publications. Catarina’s focus as a programmer is to share the exciting indigenous voices that are emerging across the motu with WORD Christchurch audiences, stories guided by mātauranga Māori and emigrant-led discussions. She is fond of cocktails at Night Flower, writing, reimagining the future, cooking and cinema.
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